Here you'll find my collected writings on topics from web development to productivity.
Mastering the File System with Rust
Reading and writing files and directories with Rust
Breaking Out of a Rut or Creative Block
Break through your creative block and unleash the power within.
Building Powerful GraphQL Servers with Rust
Let us see what goes into building a GraphQL server with Rust.
ReasonML with React Hooks Tutorial — Building a Pomodoro Timer
Learn Reason React by building a Pomodoro Timer with React hooks
The Edge, Wit, and Courage of ReasonML
Discover the features of Reason that make it so appealing to a JavaScript developer.
ReasonML with GraphQL, the Future of Type-Safe Web Applications
Build a small ReasonReact web application that consumes a GraphQL endpoint using reason-apollo
Intro to ReasonML Variants
Learn to wield ReasonML variants to create better, typesafe web applications
How a Type System Improves your JavaScript Code
Discover how a type system improves your developer workflow